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■第14回 躍動する現代作家展 at 国立新美術館


躍動する現代作家展 at 国立新美術館



「いつも新しい発見や驚きのある作品が展示されていて、生き生きとした感性を感じる展覧会。こんなに楽しい気持ちにさせてくれる展覧会は他にない。毎年、とても楽しみにしています。」(40歳代 男性)







代表理事 田畑 豊 


国立新美術館 2C

〒106-8558 東京都港区六本木7-22-2






〒106-8558 東京都港区六本木7-22-2-2C




一般:1,000円 高校生以下:無料



林紅茉/泰然+きみきみよ/Rose Garnrt/大羽詠子/Anela  Shie/TOMOKO Aria/ヒュンケル/黄愛(Ai Huang)/Succulent artist amt/池田幸子/indietro/赤尾富美/Anna Miyauchi/今井貴憲/杉山智佳子/Miho lshikawa/げんき/大江 泰喜/アトリエうーたろう/kaoruko/阿蘇丘 光耶/ゆき/石田優磨/奥山浩通/春麗/Hayu/石田 季子/Huuco/上原利衣子/紫雲/稲垣 桃/Yaco/石出恵実/近藤愛斗/井川めぐみ/小林大悟/ヒデトシコイズミ・ハラタアツシ/DAICHI KOYAMA/Lace Art.noA/アカシックリーダーゆうと/青十英 実生/akiko/コニシマリ/官 士寶/namazu_sakura_/u-go/早紀子/「CasaBlanca del Artista」yuri/Nicolas Flamel/羽鳥みひめ/こそねえみこ/北林 瑛子/後藤美佳/mosekijin/楠美 彩香/wataru/コウコウ/わんぱく中年とのまる/菊地朋未/北隅 敦子/柴田忍/高野 綵花/島﨑 健/須田響音/ジーボーラー/柴沼 清/新木かよ/Humans Sato/鈴木朝潮/Mina♡/わかな/ヤマトパパ/白石よし子/芙実果/重松 壽/執行生滋/トゥメンデメベレル サランゴー/柴原 薫/サイトウ ジュンコ/しばた あい/朱閔/櫻井謙次/Miwa/坂本正実/TELA/SONGYI WU/遠辰/正元嶺至/LAQDA/清水直希/張建麟/Dee/筒井 さとみ/穂史美 祐将/竹内 みのり/光輝/ヒロミタニダ/高澤広一/Churaseart   tsubomi/Word / GERENTE PROJECT/寺内・ルル・康祐/びーとろぼ/豊吉 雅昭/陳 艶(花空間)/ケイ・タカタ/鶴晃如/Dalumagus/田子森 有里/たね もとこ/喜多隴(KITARO)/津野邉碧/段欣玥/nishi/GO/長沢健夫/姫山さち/Tahei/ながいらんど/永沼直孝/なわてひでき/永沼すみ子/tsukika/NISIBUN/鍋島哲治/永見陶節/ふうこ/きらきら/Yuriko Fukuda/NOBUKO/ほそ川えつ子/星野榮里/星野孝司/Pilar Suárez/星 心来/珱子/ヒョーゴコーイチ/橋原喜代/Kaz/瑛大/Liu Ten/Anem/HAL horii/似顔絵師よっしー/Yukari Molly/増駄堂/森本 等/ka na/古井戸/けいみず/三池克祐/Valshia/Nobuo/三上竜輝/向井義智/マツダイラヨシコ/DAIGO/松井ゆきの/守屋ゆかり/龍神画家弥生/Naiki/宮川幸音/Kohei Maruyoshi /松田朴伝/山本圭太/雨水/ヤスタタミオ/矢野 竜輝/ポムジキータ/吉野 佳葉/吉原 明美/吉田晃司/ri-yan/SAKIYO/レ クイン アン/わかな まさこ/和田真卓/ZHENG JIAOJIAO/Annki/コウ シシュン/曽嘉棋/WANG YUTANG/Zhang Ellin 順不同・敬称略

■14th Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition at the National Art Center, Tokyo

"No other exhibition gives me such a happy feeling!"

These are the words of a visitor who visits the "Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition" every year.

"The exhibition always has new discoveries and surprising works, and it's an exhibition that gives you a lively sensibility. No other exhibition gives me such a happy feeling. I look forward to it every year." (Male, 40s)

Every year, the National Art Center, Tokyo holds art exhibitions by about 81 groups. Among the many art exhibitions, the "Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition" is an international open art exhibition that focuses on contemporary artists (contemporary artists) living in the present.

It is said that "art is a mirror of the times," but in today's world, there are many different forms of expression when it comes to "art." There are paintings and two-dimensional works, sculptures and other three-dimensional works, photographic expressions, design expressions, spatial models and installations, computer graphics CG and animations, and the list goes on and on. Moreover, it is becoming difficult to separate them and classify them finely. Rather, isn't it the art of today that everything is mixed together? This "Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition" is a mirror that reflects the current era, with all genres of expressive subjects gathered together in one place. The exhibition where such a wide variety of expressive subjects are gathered and contained in one space is a major feature of the TORAM spatial art exhibition. Photographs and design works are exhibited next to paintings, and they are of high quality and worth seeing. This is what can be said to be a mirror that reflects the diversity of the current era and the world where everything is mixed together.

This is why this "Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition" is a unique exhibition, and I think it is one of the reasons why visitors feel happy when they view the exhibition.

This international open call exhibition, now in its 14th year, brings together works by many contemporary artists from all over Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south, as well as from around the world, including Korea, China, and the United States. To date, this exhibition has introduced the works of over 2,000 contemporary artists. The age range is wide, from 10 to 80 years old, and many contemporary artists who are active as professionals have exhibited their works, as well as many contemporary artists who have made the transition from amateur to professional. Being able to exhibit works of free expression at the National Art Center, Tokyo is surely an ideal stage for contemporary artists.

Please enjoy the 14th Dynamic Contemporary Artists Exhibition, an exhibition showcasing the dynamic work of contemporary artists living today.

TORAM Association of Space Arts

Representative Director: Yutaka Tabata


2C, The National Art Center, Tokyo

7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8558


Thursday, November 28, 2024 - Sunday, December 8, 2024

*Closed on Tuesday, December 3


The National Art Center, Tokyo (Roppongi, Tokyo)

2C, 7-22-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8558

■Opening hours


■Admission fee

General: 1,000 yen; High school students and younger: Free

■Organizer: TORAM Association of Space Arts





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